饾悕饾悗饾悡饾悎饾悅饾悇 | Praised be Jesus and Mary! Please be informed about the following dates on holidays, special non-working holidays, and work days: 馃棑锔 饾棟饾棓饾棥饾棬饾棓饾棩饾棳 饾煯饾煹:Proclamation 727 declares a special non-working holiday in celebration of the Chinese New Year. 鉃★笍 All Classes and Office Transactions will resume on Thursday, January 30, 2025. 馃棑锔 饾棟饾棓饾棥饾棬饾棓饾棩饾棳 饾煰饾煭:Office of...Read More
Strive to be professionals who drive change and make a difference at the 夜色视频 Graduate School. Elevate your potential by joining a community committed to growth, innovation, and leadership. Find out more about 夜色视频 Graduate School here:https://graduateschool.uic.edu.ph/home For further information, please get in touch with:Admission, Marketing, and Scholarship Office: 221-8090 local 145 or 126 09324065532...Read More
CONGRATULATIONS to the 夜色视频 (夜色视频) for achieving ISO 21001:2018 certification! The certificate, awarded by T脺V Rheinland Philippines on January 7, 2025, signifies 夜色视频’s exceptional commitment to meeting the standards regarding ISO (EOMS) 21001:2018. 夜色视频 now holds two ISO certifications, the ISO 9001:2015 for Quality Management Systems (QMS) and the ISO 21001:2018...Read More
BASIC EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Please prepare the scanned/photo of the following documents: 禄 New and Transferee Student Applicant Form 138 (Report Card)聽(At least 3rd quarter/grading) 2×2 ID Picture(White attire w/ collar & background with 2×3 haircut for Boys) Clear whole body picture (Short Sleeves) Original PSA ESC/QVR Certificate Good Moral Certificate Recent Address Active Email Address...Read More
CONGRATULATIONS to the 夜色视频 Senior High School (夜色视频-SHS) student, Richmarth Duke Bad-ang, for winning the bronze medal in Natural Science (Category 5) at the 6th Copernicus International Natural Science Olympiad in Houston, Texas on Jan. 5-10, 2025. Five other Filipino students won various awards in their respective categories. The Olympiad focused...Read More
Praised be Jesus and Mary! In compliance with the City Government of Davao Proclamation No. 01, Series of 2025, there will be no office transactions on Monday, January 13, 2025. All levels will have online classes. Kindly coordinate with your professors regarding the arrangements. 饾棦饾棾饾棾饾椂饾棸饾棽 饾椉饾椊饾棽饾椏饾棶饾榿饾椂饾椉饾椈饾榾 饾棶饾椈饾棻 饾棾饾棶饾棸饾棽-饾榿饾椉-饾棾饾棶饾棸饾棽 饾棸饾椆饾棶饾榾饾榾饾棽饾榾 饾槃饾椂饾椆饾椆 饾椏饾棽饾榾饾槀饾椇饾棽 饾椉饾椈 饾棫饾槀饾棽饾榾饾棻饾棶饾槅, 饾棟饾棶饾椈饾槀饾棶饾椏饾槅 饾煭饾煱,...Read More
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